Wednesday 4 August 2010

Fear and Lothing in Edinburgh

Hey there! I'm Frank and this is my 1st attempt to do a blog.

I'm a stand-up comedian and MC and this is my 3rd year on the London comedy scene.
This year I've decided to go full force into the Edinburgh Festival and do the whole month which means I'll be gigging loads, meeting interesting people and having lots of adventures.

With this in mind, I thought I'd try and capture what's happening by blogging, posting videos / pictures and generally trying to make sense of the whole experience via this medium, and by 'micro-blogging' on twitter and facebook.

In principle this blog is for myself so that I'd don't forget anything when I'm back in London, but I've decided to make it public so friends, family-members and complete strangers can follow it, and see if the experience is fun, engaging or just tedious.

I touch-down in Edinburgh on 3rd August. I have two shows I'm doing (hosting) on the free fringe: The Dead Comedian's Socks – Edinburgh Review and Late n Free. Both of these shows run from Thursday 5th August to Sunday 29th August. I suppose I should briefly explain what these are:
The Dead Comedian's Socks – Edinburgh ReviewThe Crypt - Laughing Horse @ Jekyll & Hyde - 7:20 (1 hour)This show I am running on my own. It's a compilation show featuring different acts each day. I'll be the MC for the majority over it's run, but as I get my material and stand-up act up to-steam, I'll headline a few shows and get someone else to MC. This is the companion show to the standard London one I run in Dirty Dicks and will feature lots of the acts I regally book.
Late n FreePravda Room – Laughing Horse @ Espionage - Midnight+I am co-hosting this show with fellow comedian Damian Kingsley. It's a midnight show which will attract a rowdy, well-oiled audience which should make for a challenging GIG. Myself and Damain will alternate which days we MC on.
Again this is another compilation show, but due to the time and the nature of the audience It will has an 'anything' goes, unplanned element to it.

Up till now I've had moderate success as a comic and have found myself to be a natural at MC'ing. This has been good and bad. Good as I get to be in the moment with an audience (which I love), and bad as I always put off going out gigging with material. This is now going to change!
I'm going to record the experience (positive or negative) of working material into a set, and trying to get recognition for that. So I hope this is going to be an interesting adventure.

So: 'Here's to Edinburgh 2010!'

My Edinburgh aims summarised:
  • Lots of Gigging time
  • Built a decent 10 minute set out of my mostly untested material
  • Network and get connected
  • Have fun
All the best