Wednesday 11 August 2010

Week #1 and I'm still 'standing'

Well it's been a week now and I've just starting to make sense this.

It's been hard getting used to the (very) late nights but I think I'm on top of it now. For the first five nights myself and Damian both did the midnight show (Late n Free). This was exhausting for both of us and as we were getting home at 4pm+, there were several daytime commitment to honour: Drinking is not a good idea!

The club itself (Espionage) is probably one of the roughest nightclubs in Edinburgh. The crowd (typically 60-70 people) are well-oiled and volatile. There's a small crowd of regulars building up. Which it nice!
We had a glass thrown at the staff on one evening. Luckily no one was hurt and the Bouncers appeared and dragged the offenders away for I imagine a right-good kicking outside.

As an MC this crowd works well for me and I'm feeling more natural on stage there than my own GIG (DCS – Review). Last night, I had to feel in for about 5 minute in the middle of the show and just started telling a story about seeing a drunk girl staggering around Edinburgh. They absolutely loved it! This was a revelation to me, I've never thought my random thoughts and feelings would be of such interest. Based on this I'm going to try and engineer more stories and see were this takes me.

DCS – Review is doing OK, but not great. I've have a couple of mixed evenings. Typically I'm getting 20 people (¾ full) which is good for an early evening GIG. I'm going to put some more effort into flyering and see if I can build this up at bit.

So far, I've been out to see a couple of (paid) shows:
  • Jim Jefferies – I enjoyed this, but it was very much corporate comedy. Jim's at the top of his game and I'm not complaining. It's just not my thing.
  • Terry Alderton – This is probably one of the best gigs I've ever seen. I have never witnessed someone work at room so successfully before, I was in absolute awe.
My thanks to Alfie for coming up and spending three days with me. It was nice to have mate along and help out.

Anyway I'm off to do it all again!



  1. Keep up the good work Frankie love..X

  2. Hey Frank - I really wish I could see you do your thing ( a bit far away here in France) anyway maybe a mate could use their phone in the audience and get a video posted up for us to see? some footage of you doing comedy would be good too :)

  3. So what was the story about the drunk woman in Edinburgh? I'm intrigued.
