Saturday 21 August 2010

Week #2 Carbon-Neutral Venues and Glasgow-Kisses

Hey there!

It's been a few days since my last attempt to blog, so I guess it's apparent I've been busy. The shows are going well, I'm getting about 20-30 most week days and 30-40 at weekends.
The midnight is going great too. We get about 70 in and a lot of repeat visitors.

The story everyone is talking about is about a comic called David Whitney. David is a lovely bloke and I've gigged with him a couple of times earlier in the week. On Thursday he was doing a late night spot and ended up getting arrested for head-butting a heckler.

As I so you can imagine this story has become comedy gossip and I think to-date I've heard 3 different versions. What seems to have happened was that he beat this guy (verbally) on stage and got him to shut-up. When he left the stage, the guy grab him from behind and squared up to him, face to face, to continue the abuse. David just had enough and give him a Glasgow-Kiss. The police were called and the rest is history.

It wasn't the best way to behave, but I've got to say I can completely understand. Hecklers like this guy are ass-holes who ruin everyone's night out. If there wasn't a comedy show on he'd probably be    down at the cinema talking loudly or driving through a residential area in his shitty car with bad music pouring out of every window.

Maybe this will send a message to all other hecklers. Maybe David Whitney will become so scary they will build a spooky mythology around him, sort of a Freddy Kruger for Hecklers: One, Two, Whitney's coming for you, three, four, Whitney's at the door, etc.

I did an open-spot this week in a Carbon-Neutral venue. Carbon-Neutral venue? Yes, that means there is no microphone and they use special light-bulbs as opposed to normal spotlights.
Unfortunately, the room was so hot they had to put a great big fuck-off oscillating fan on to cool everyone down.  Carbon-Neutral indeed!

I've seen two shows this week:

Alun Cochrane (Jokes, Life and Jokes About Life)Alun is great: Charming and naturally likeable. A bit low key and middle of the road for me, but I did enjoy the show. In this he has a tom-bowler, and picks out random jokes and tells stories around them.

Richard Herring (Christ on a Bike)I really like Richard and overall liked the show. I didn't like the central message: Jesus is OK, Organised Religion is not. I could not separate the two. Richard is on top form throughout the show though.

Anyway, I'll try and blog again sooner.



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