Friday 6 August 2010

Finally, it's GIG time

Well I did my first two gigs yesterday.

The first one (The Dead Comedian's Socks – Edinburgh Review, 7:20pm) was passable. I felt is was awkward for a few reasons:
  • The microphone rig at the Jekyll & Hyde is terrible (all the acts have been complaining about it)
  • I was not on form, anxious and I think it showed.
  • The audience were only 11 people.
The acts were great. I started with Sean Brightman (10), then Paco Erhard (10-15) and I closed with Lasse Nilson (25). All did very well and it was lovely to meet Lasse for the first time. What a nice bloke.

I was relieved when it was over and felt a little dishearten but glad the process had stated. I think coming up to Edinburgh a day and a half early had the unexpected result of making me feel impatient and frustrated.

Later the even I went with Damian Kingsley to our joint gig (Late n Free, midnight+) and it couldn't have gone better. I MC'd and sixty plus people turned up all in party mode. Suddenly it was effortless and an absolute joy to preform. I got lots of great compliments for the crowd.
ACTS where: Lasse (again), Mark Simmons, Andrew O'Doyle, Damain and we closed with Nathon Caton. Every act was strong. Members of the audience actually came up to us and asked for spare flyers to give the theirs mates! We took this as a very good sign.

Doing it again tonight


1 comment:

  1. You go Frankie, break a leg....wishing you all the luck and laughs you can get
    big love
    Maddie :- x
